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Do You Believe In Ghosts?

Do you believe in ghosts? If not, You might just become a believer after this story. If you don’t know me you may not realize that the Cliffs Of Moher are pretty much my favorite place in Ireland, if not the world. Naturally I wanted to photograph the Milky Way above them. If you have ever been to Ireland or if you are from there you know that getting a night with a clear sky does not happen often. We arrived in Ireland and that very night we had clear skies, for some reason we did not take advantage of it. But somehow we managed to get lucky the second night and at about midnight we sat out for the Cliffs Of Moher. Why so late you ask? In the middle of the summer the sun doesn’t set until way late because of how far North Ireland is and astronomical twilight lasts until like 12:30am or 1am. We arrived at the Cliffs around 12:30am and started our ten minute walk down to my favorite spot at the Cliffs. But it was not like it usually is down in the relaxing and peaceful spot I have claimed as my own. The energy was so strong, you could cut it with a knife! It is hard to explain, but take my word for it when I say that there was a powerful and uneasy feeling that night. Even Robert felt it and as he says he doesn’t believe in that energy shit. Haha. Well anyways. I am like the worlds biggest scaredy cat, especially in the dark so I was super happy I was not thinking about all the people that have committed suicide off the Cliffs. You know, all the unrestful souls at the bottom....unfortunately for Robert his mind had already went there. It didn’t help that there was no other living soul to be seen there. I thought that there would be a few more astro photography enthusiasts. But then again, only a few people know about our special spot at the Cliffs. The clouds stayed away and so we began shooting the stars! About 15 minutes into our little adventure this fire just starts out of nowhere on the edge of the cliff right behind us. Robert (my husband) freaked out, it was actually kind of funny he grabs my arm with all intent to abandon the camera gear and run back to the car. I just passed it off as a cigarette re kindling that someone had thrown off the edge and didn’t quite make it to the bottom of the Cliffs. I also figures since Ireland is so moist it would go out in no time, and it did. But about five minutes later we felt heat behind us again and flames almost as tall as us were there again from the edge of the cliff. This time we were a little freaked out and went over to check it out. Where the flame was coming from was so far over the edge on some hang grass and we would have fallen off if we tried to reach it. But again it went out on its own and all was fine. The weirdest part is when we did go to investigate there were no embers, no ash, nothing! It was the weirdest thing, it was a fire that started out of nowhere. This happened three or four more times before the creepiest part happened...

I was just sitting there and taking my photos minding my own business when I hear Robert Yell out in a scared yet assertive voice, “ OÍ, what the fuck you doing?” I turned around instantly to see a man coming towards us. Rob was freaked out because he had said nothing and was just walking straight towards us, even though Robert was looking right at him. Robert thought he was going to like tackle us off the cliffs or something he didn’t know. The guy said something and then began to talk with us. I was so creeped out by him that I could barely even look at him. His energy was insanely intense and insanely creepy. But it was also the way that he moved and how close he stood to us. Put your hand four inches from your nose and that is how close he would stand from you. Uncomfortably close! We got to chatting and he said that he had been watching us from below. So we asked him where he had come from and he said “From below the Cliffs”. Which is possible considering that there is a path that goes down to the bottom that only surfers and the brave use. The only little problem was I had my tripod set up along with myself at the only place he could have come up. I was literally kneeling with my tripod in the exact spot he would have had to come up to if he climbed from below the cliffs. Are you kind of convinced that he was a ghost yet? Keep in mind all the people that end up jumping off the cliffs and possibly stay forever below. That was the first creepy thing that he said and then there was the time when Rob asked him if he knew anything about the fires starting up. He said in a very monotone voice, “Maybe they’re trying to warn you not to get to close to the edge”. At this point I am thinking, Okay...who are they? And why is this guy such a creep? At this point it was almost two in the morning and the moon was going to rise around 2:30 making it too light to get good photos of the stars. He told us that he had to leave because he wanted to go to the Paulnabrone Dolman to shoot the Milky Way there before the moon came up. From the cliffs it is about a 30 minute drive to the doleman. He parted with us and this might sound corny but Robert says he didn’t walk he kinda just glided away until he disappeared into the darkness. You might be thinking that yeah that was a kind of weird encounter.’s the kicker...we were the only car parked anywhere near how you would get to where we were at the cliffs. He was planning on driving to the Doleman before the moon rose and if he had parked anywhere else he would of had to walk at least an hour if not more to get to his car. I didn’t tell Robert my thoughts at this point because I did not want to freak him out more.

Needless to say me and Rob were both severely creeped out after our talk with the mysterious man from below the cliff. But we were both trying to not let the other know how creeped out we were so we took one more photo and then the fog began to roll in faster than I have ever seen fog come. It came from the ocean and it was literally a wall of fog that you could see moving in. We didn’t even put our equipment away we just scooped it all up and began walking, then I looked back and the fog was literally at our heels. I felt like it was going to swallow us whole. I have an image In my head of it just beginning to envelope the grass as it moved in. After that we picked up the pace until we finally began to run, not even daring to look back. When we finally made it to the car, Panting and out of breath we threw our stuff into the car hoping we had everything and then hopped in ourselves we we couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Once we felt safe and were on our way home we started talking about the strange events like the fact that there was no other car, the random fires, that the Cliffs was an infamous suicide spot and how he couldn’t have walked up from below the Cliffs since I was in the way of the path the entire time. So, do you believe in ghosts yet? I am 98% sure that man was a ghost and Robert is 80% sure only because I don’t know if he wants to really believe in ghosts because the whole idea freaks him out a little bit. If you don’t believe yet then I have one more thing to say that might convince you and you also might think I am a little bit crazy, but I truly believe that not everyone has the so called sixth sense. I only think that some people can see ghosts and I think that is why when we first encountered him he was just walking straight at us because he didn’t know if we could see him or not.... So, do you believe in ghosts now?



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