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R Adventures Through Norway

Adventure with us on our ten day road trip through Norway! Set aside twenty minutes, maybe next time you're on the toilet and watch it because you will not want to miss it for the scenery alone. Norway is truly a spectacular country and one of my top five favorite countries of all time. Not just because it is beautiful, but the people are amazing as well. Not to mention...the food is also super delicious! Join us as we go from:

Bergen - Tyssedal

Hike the 17 mile round trip to Trolltunga - the rock that defies gravity itself, in an other worldly landscape!

Tyssedal - Skjolden

Skjolden -Geiranger and all the epic waterfalls and scenery in between.

Geiranger - Hahalmon Havstur and more!

Watch it, skip through it (i'd prefer if you didn't), but do whatever you must! Or just get inspired to buy that plane ticket to Norway. Did I mention all of the epic droneage?

Leave your comments below about how much you want to visit Norway now.

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